
JQuery Check if Window is in iFrame

Simple JavaScript code snippet to check whether or not a window is in an iFrame. Very useful for some functions that may make use of the URL in the address bar of the page.

jQuery iPhone UI – A Library That Mimics iPhone Interface

Few days ago, the jQuery team announced that they are working on jQuery Mobile which will probably become quickly popular on creating mobile web apps. for the fans of the library. On the other hand, there are already ready-to-use solutions like the pretty-complete jQuery iPhone UI (check the "Mobile Development" category for others). It is a jQuery library which emulates the iPhone interface that is handy for creating iPhone web applications. The library includes widgets like menu, ...

How to disable/enable an element with jQuery

Sometimes you need to disable or enable some elements in your document and jQuery makes this task easy. All you have to do is to set disabled attribute to "disabled". Example: In order to enable any disabled element you need to set the disabled attribute to empty string or remove it entirely like in the code below.

Free Javascript Lightbox

TopUp TopUp is an easy to use Javascript library for unobtrusively displaying images and webpages in a Web 2.0 approach of popups. The library is jQuery and jQuery UI driven in order to maintain cross-browser compatibility and compactness. Sexy LightBox SexyLightBox is a clon, sexier and more lightweight than the classic LightBox. It was constructed while thinking about web designers toward an easy installation and use.

9 Excellent ToolTip Plugins with jQuery

1) clueTip clueTip goes one step further than (mb)tooltip, it has many advanced options that you can utilize such as having the tooltip move with the mouse cursor, forcing the tooltip to stay on the page until a user action closes it, a really nice “loader” graphic which appears between the point that the event is fired and the tooltip is loaded, and much more. The loader is actually very useful, especially when you are loading dynamic content into your tooltip via ajax for exampl...

Using Jquery to insert a row in parent window table

If we have a table in parent widow: Now, we want use jquery to insert a row to this table from a frame. We can write jquery: or this way

How to write in jquery “window.parent.document.getElementById().innerHTML”

For example we want get this In Jquery, we can write like this: or we can also write in this way:

jQuery checkbox – how to check if checkbox is checked using jQuery

There are three ways using jquery to check if checkbox is checked. Here they are: First two methods return true or false. True if that particular checkbox was checked or false if it is not checked. The third method iterates though all checkboxes with checked attribute defined and performs some action. I tried using third method on jQuery 1.3, but seems not work for me.

Using Jquery to insert a row in table

Example: If you want place following code at the end of the table. Like: You can use jquery to insert a row in top of table: or If you want place it code at the top of the table like: You can use jquery to insert a row in end of table: or

jquery display switch

Using  jquery to control css display attribute. $j(window).load(function(){ if($j('#test1').css('display') == 'none') { $j('#tab1').css('display', 'none'); $j('#tab2').css('display', 'block'); } });