January, 2014Archive for

Netbeans 中文乱码 输入变方格

出现这个问题可能下面几个原因: 1、项目编码为utf-8,但是netbeans默认为gbk 打开netbeans安装目录,找到etc目录下的netbeans.conf文件,打开文件,可以看到netbeans_default_options这个配置选项,在后面加上“-J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8”这个选项就可以了。 2、检查字体是否支持中文 有些字体不支持中文,输入中文,就会显示方格之类的符号,打开netbeans,工具->选项->字体和颜色 换一个支持中文的字体试试。

Install PhoneGap on Fedora 17

Download and Install Eclipse IDE Android offers a custom plugin for the Eclipse IDE, called Android Development Tools (ADT). Following steps in link to install ADT Plugin into Eclipse ** If you can not find Android SDK Manager in Window --> Android SDK Manager, go to Window --> Customize Perspective --> Tool Bar Visibility. Enable options in Android SDK and AVD Manager. Install NodeJS on Fedora NodeJS is currently not part of the standard repo's, you can not install dire...

Remove VirtualBox RPM Package in Fedora

First, you need to find the RPM package name, just run something like this: Remove the package Remove kmod related files If you plan to install a new version of VirtualBox, checkout this link: http://www.tecmint.com/install-virtualbox-on-redhat-centos-fedora/

Install Node.js on CentOS and Fedora

The install of Node.js is pretty straight forward, with on gotcha when it comes to installing node packages that I will detail at the end. If you haven’t already installed developer tools, you will need to do that now. Now install Node.js. Problem installing node packages with sudo To install node packages you have a little problem if you are using sudo. On Fedora and CentOS 6.2 (and probably versions less than this), sudo has a secure path set secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:...